Monday, August 15, 2016


What is a Myoma?
A uterine myoma is a benign growth of smooth muscle in the wall of the uterus.

Description of Uterine Myomas  
A uterine myoma (myoma uteri) is a solid tumour made of fibrous tissue; hence it is often called a 'fibroid' tumor. Myomas vary in size and number, are most often slow-growing and usually cause no symptoms. Myomas that do not produce symptoms do not need to be treated.

Approximately 25% of myomas will cause symptoms and need medical treatment.  Myomas may grow as a single nodule or in clusters and may range in size from 1 mm to more than 20 cm in diameter.  Myomas are the most frequently diagnosed tumour of the female pelvis and the most common reason for a woman to have a hysterectomy. Although they are often referred to as tumours, they are not cancerous. 

Myoma Symptoms
They include heavy and prolonged bleeding Pelvic pain or pressure Weight gain or an abnormally enlarged abdomen pressure on the bladder or bowel, pain in the back of the legs, pain during sexual intercourse.

What Causes Myoma?
The cause of myomas has not actually been determined, but most uterine myomas develop in women during their reproductive years. Myomas do not develop before the body begins producing estrogen. Myomas tend to grow very quickly during pregnancy when the body is producing extra estrogen. Once menopause has begun, myomas generally stop growing and can begin to shrink due to the loss of estrogen.

Sunday, August 14, 2016



Gout is a common, painful form of arthritis. It causes swollen, red, hot and stiff joints.
Gout happens when uric acid builds up in your body. Uric acid comes from the breakdown of substances called purines. Purines are in your body’s tissues and in foods, such as liver, dried beans and peas, and anchovies. Normally, uric acid dissolves in the blood. It passes through the kidneys and out of the body in urine. But sometimes uric acid can build up and form needle-like crystals. When they form in your joints, it is very painful. The crystals can also cause kidney stones.
Often, gout first attacks your big toe. It can also attack ankles, heels, knees, wrists, fingers, and elbows. At first, gout attacks usually get better in days. Eventually, attacks last longer and happen more often.

You are more likely to get gout if you:

Are a man
Have family member with gout
Are overweight
Drink alcohol
Eat too many foods rich in purines

Gout can be hard to diagnose. Your doctor may take a sample of fluid from an inflamed joint to look for crystals. You can treat gout with medicines.
Pseudogout has similar symptoms and is sometimes confused with gout. However, it is caused by calcium phosphate, not uric acid.


Hashimoto's thyroiditis, a common autoimmune condition in which the body's immune response is directed against the thyroid gland, leading to inflammation of the thyroid.

Thyroid cancers and benign tumors (nodules) that may cause a so-called multinodular goiter
Iodine deficiency, which was formerly a major cause of goiter in the US.

*Graves' disease, another autoimmune condition, which stimulates the gland to be overly active.

There is no one specific treatment for a goiter. The treatment depends upon the cause of the enlargement. Treatments for goiter can include medications, surgery, treatment with radioactive iodine, and simple observation.

Using C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is one the treatments that can be considered. It was proven several times that it's the best supplement in town because I have used it to cure my Hyperthyroidism and Goiter before. Try taking C24/7 to believe?


Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarged and tortuous. The term commonly refers to the veins on the leg,[1] although varicose veins can occur elsewhere. Veins have leaflet valves to prevent blood from flowing backwards (retrograde flow or reflux). Leg muscles pump the veins to return blood to the heart (the calf muscle pump mechanism), against the effects of gravity. 

When veins become varicose, the leaflets of the valves no longer meet properly, and the valves do not work (valvular incompetence). This allows blood to flow backwards and they enlarge even more.
 Varicose veins are most common in the superficial veins of the legs, which are subject to high pressure when standing. Besides being a cosmetic problem, varicose veins can be painful, especially when standing. Severe long-standing varicose veins can lead to leg swelling, venous eczema, skin thickening (lipodermatosclerosis) and ulceration. Life-threatening complications are uncommon, but varicose veins may be confused with deep vein thrombosis, which may be life-threatening.[2][medical citation needed] Non-surgical treatments include sclerotherapy, elastic stockings, elevating the legs, and exercise. The traditional surgical treatment has been vein stripping to remove the affected veins. 

Newer, less invasive treatments which seal the main leaking vein are available. Alternative techniques, such as ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy, radio frequency ablation and endovenous laser treatment, are available as well. Because most of the blood in the legs is returned by the deep veins, the superficial veins, which return only about 10% of the total blood of the legs, can usually be removed or ablated without serious harm.[3][4] Secondary varicose veins are those developing as collateral pathways, typically after stenosis or occlusion of the deep veins, a common sequel of extensive deep venous thrombosis (DVT). 

Treatment options are usually support stockings, occasionally sclerotherapy, and rarely limited surgery. Varicose veins are distinguished from reticular veins (blue veins) and telangiectasias (spider veins), which also involve valvular insufficiency,[5] by the size and location of the veins. Many patients who suffer with varicose veins seek out the assistance of physicians who specialize in vein care or peripheral vascular disease. These physicians are called vascular surgeons, phlebologists or interventional radiologists.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

MyChoco is the only chocolate served today that preserves the true richness of chocolate with the addition of great health benefits. MyChoco is added to hot or cold water to give it a malted chocolate flavor and extra texture. When combined with cold water, it retains the gritty texture of its raw state. When combined with hot water, it creates a layer of congealed choco and milk floating on top of the cup which some drinkers enjoy more. Rich. Smooth. Refined. Classy. That’s how we describe MyChoco – a delightful new chocolate functional beverage from AIM Global. MyChoco, a chocolate health food drink made from premium cocoa blend, is the fun health drink which is extremely tasty, and makes nourishment truly enjoyable and exciting!
 Savor and Enjoy Nature’s Goodness
Enrich your health with a delicious, functional, chocolate fruit replacement beverage that can be beneficial for both kids and adults. Fortified with DHA, essential to mental, visual and neurological acuities needed for memory, concentration and focus. Embrace your way to a mega-nutritional and fun-drinking habit that support your dietary needs for a stronger body and sharper mind…
 MyChoco is the only chocolate served today that preserves the true richness of chocolate with theaddition of great health benefits.
 MyChoco is added to hot or cold water to give it a malted chocolate flavor and extra texture. When combined with cold water, it retains the gritty texture of its raw state. When combined with hot water, it creates a layer of congealed choco and milk floating on top of the cup which some drinkers enjoy more.

My Choco is a perfect on-the-go indulgence for people who enjoy treating themselves. It is a refreshing beverage, blended with real chocolate, a touchy fruity flavor and made available any time!
Enjoy it hot or cold.

My Choco Health Benefits
  • Lowers cholesterol level
  • Protects against heart diseases and complications
  • Helps prevent cancer of any origin
  • Controls high-blood pressure
  • Prevents degenerative diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism
  • Reduces the risk of developing type II diabetes
  • Prevents Parkinson’s disease
  • Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the immune system
  • Promotes healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration
  • Rejuvenates the skin
  • Essential to mental, visual and neurological acuities
  • Increases memory, concentration and focus
  • Improves performance and endurance during exercise
  • Improves performance and endurance during exercise
  • Enhances concentration
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Heightens alertness
  • Relieves headache
  • Offset damage of smoking and heavy alcoholic intakes
  • Detoxifies the body
About Chocolate
Legends from many cultures claim that consuming chocolate instills strength strength, health, faith and passion. Researchers have discovered that chemicals found in chocolate are beneficial to health. Theobromine is rich in antioxidants.Stearic acid helps prevent build-up of cholesterol, lessening symptoms of high blood pressure. Phenylethylamine (also produced in the human brain during emotional pleasure), is a scientifically proven aid in the control of human stress, believed to be responsible for the feeling we experience when in love.
In France in the18th century, when chocolate drinking had become virtually a court ritual, the great ladies of the court each had their own special chocolate recipe which, in many respects, was regarded as a magic formula. Chocolate in those days was thought of not only as a marvelous drink for its own rich sake but as a potion filled with all the rare qualities that had endeared it to the Aztec kings. The flavorings and spices that went into it – sometimes along with secret powders – were supposed to add not only to its flavor but to its effectiveness as well.
Just as the chocolate drink was considered sacred by the Aztecs, today AIM Global offers its consumers the same sacred treat with the introduction of MyChoco, a chocolate beverage fortified with DHA and infused with Alive! Mega-Nutritionals.
Premium Cocoa Blend, Milk, Sugar, Alive! Mega-Nutritionals and DHA Powder.


About Liven Coffee - Ceuticals

The World’s First Alkaline Coffee-Ceuticals with lots of health benefits coming from 16,000 phytonutrients from 131 natural ingredients!

Liven Alkaline Coffee is high quality and highly regarded for its distinct taste and aroma because it is made of the finest class of Arabica Coffee beans, and fortified with the COMPLETE PHYTO- ENERGIZER!

Coffe Arabica is a species of coffee indigenous to Ethiopia. It is also known as the “coffee shrub of Arabia” , “mountain coffee” or Arabica coffee. It is considered to produce better coffee than coffee canephora (Robusta). Arabica also contains less caffeine and produces better taste than Robusta. Arabica coffee beans are selected as specialty coffee because of its unique, delicate flavor and aroma.

Complete Phyto-Energizer is the most nutritionally dense food concentrate. It contains 16,000 phytonutrients that acts as a very powerful antioxidant and anti-aging supplement. It is the First Mega-Nutritionals with ingredients working in synergy to produce maximum health benefits for the body.

Your Benefits
• Lowers cholesterol level
• Protects against heart disease and complications
• Helps prevent cancer of any origin
• Controls high-blood pressure
• Prevents degenerative diseases such Arthritis and Rheumatism
• Reduces the risk of developing Type II Diabetes
• Prevents Parkinson’s Disease
• Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the Immune System
• Detoxifies the Body
• Offset damage of smoking and heavy alcohol intake
• Enhances sexual vitality
• Rejuvenates the skin
• Improves performance and endurance during exercise
• Enhances concentration
• Reduces fatigue
• Heightens alertness
• Increases sperm motility
• Relieves headache
• Promotes healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration


About Choleduz

Choleduz Omega Supreme is a dietary supplement in softgel form that contains Fish Oil plus Vitamin E that are essential in reducing the body's bad cholesterol.

Fish oil is derived from the tissues of oily fish. It contains Omega-3 fatty acid, EPA and DHA. It helps regulate cholesterol in the body. It is beneficial in the anti- inflammatory properties and positive effects on the body composition. Fish oil also reduces the risk of depression and suicide risk.

Omega-3 fatty acids are a family of unsaturated fatty acids. It is essential to normal growth and health. It is best known for heart-health benefits. The high level of Omega-3 fatty acids reduced triglycerides, hearth rate, blood pressure, and atherosclerosis.

Food and Drug Administration stated that “supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA (n-3) fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases. Canadian government recognized the importance of DHA Omega-3 fatty acid for normal development of the brain, eyes, and nerves.
Studies report possible anti-cancer effects of Omega-3 fatty acids. It can reduce prostate tumor growth, slowed histopathological progression and increased survival of cancer patients. It also reduces the risk of breast cancer & helped cancer patients retain muscle mass. Treatment of 1 gram per day of Omega-3 fatty acids reduced the occurrence of death, cardiovascular death and sudden cardiac death by 20%, 30% and 45% respectively.
Omega-3 fatty acids improves immune function maturation with no apparent reduction in immune activation. It helps improve poor developmental health with essential fatty acid supplementation. It enhances membrane capabilities in brain cells and helps prevent psychiatric disorders.

It acts as anti-inflammatory agent . Omega-3 fatty acid acts as anti-inflammatory agent. It demonstrated benefits to cohorts of neck pain patients and of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.

Omega-3 fatty acids reduced the risk of low birth weight and premature birth for pregnant women

RestoreLyf Longevity Formula

RestorLyf is a food supplement specially formulated to prolong one's life! Regular intake can protect your heart, prevents inflammation and protects the mitochondria, the powerhouse of every cells. When these parts of the body are protected, a person may achieve longer life!

RestorLyf has comprehensive, unique, and standardized Resveratrol Blend of powerful Longevity Polyphenols:
* Japanese Knotweed
* Premium Red Wine Extract
* Grape Seed Extract
* Concentrated Red Wine Powder
(Certified NO alcohol content)

“Resveratrol activates Sirtuin enzymes that promotes longer life span. And it has been proven thru extensive experiments with yeasts, worms, flies, fish and most recently with laboratory mice. Also reversing diseases associated with aging like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, etc.”

• Prolongs life span
• Reduces signs of aging
• Reverses degenerative diseases
• Activates certain enzymes that regulate gene silencing and DNA repair
• Increases SIRT1 genes to protect cells against free radical production and
       DNA damage, thereby reducing cell death
• Mimics the effects of dietary restriction
• Prevents pulmonary hypertension
• Found to have a positive impact on obesity:
       * Hindered fat storage
       * Reduced levels of inflammatory compounds
       * Increased levels of adiponectin
          • Hormone that regulates fatty acid catabolism
          • Promotes sensitivity to insulin
• Modulates pathomechanisms of debilitating neurological disorders, such as
          strokes, ischemia, and Huntington's & Alzheimer’s diseases
• Prevents cigarette smoke stress and inflammation
• Prevents DNA damage/modification
• Prevents dysfunction in carotid arteries
• Prevents smoking-induced cell death in the arteries and mitochondrial loss

RestorLyf Longevity Forumla is manufactured by Nature's Way, the company’s product supplier. Nature’s way has 45 years of research and development of herbal and nutritional science that made the company a recognized leader among all the nutritional and supplement companies in America. Making its mark as the pioneer of many breakthroughs in the advancement of good health and the supplement industry, Nature’s Way is known for its green leaf logo which represents health, life and nature. The company prides itself in its dedication to manufacture the finest products that consumers have attested to when they “trust the leaf” each time they buy and use Nature’s Way products.

Complete Phytoenergizer

Complete Phyto-Energizer
Complete Phyto-Energizer is specially formulated for easy digestion and absorption into the bloodstream. Even the capsule break up quickly in the digestive tract. In comparison with other supplements, Complete V-Caps completely disintegrate in 18 minutes or less (the proper time to ensure absorption by the body). Other brands take up to 5 times longer.

The most nutritionally dense food concentrate in the world market today, Complete contains the most number of antioxidants with approximately 16,000 phytonutrients in one product. The ingredients of Complete work in “synergy” to produce the maximum result for your body, making it the most potent anti-aging product in the history of supplementation.

Complete introduces a new concept in supplements taken for daily health and energy through a wider range of distinctly balanced nutrients that provide the crucial health value from three important areas: daily essentials, botanical energizers and system defenders that include anti-oxidants. Composed of a greater number of revitalizing nutrients from more natural sources than any product, Complete supplements are the supreme Whole Food Energizers™. As a cleanser, healer and energizer, Complete strengthens the body to protect itself and fight against a wider range of physiological conditions that lead to ailments such as hypertension, diabetes and cancer, among others.

Complete contains daily essentials:
* 16,000 Phytonutrients and Anti-oxidants
* 29 Vitamins/Minerals/ Trace Minerals
* 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend
* 12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
* 18 Amino Acids
* 14 Super Green foods/ Spirulina blend
* 12 Mushrooms
* 12 Digestive Enzymes
* 12 Herbs & Specialty Nutrients
* 10 Essential Fatty Acids

#1 Absorption Complete nutrients are better absorbed into the blood stream because its V-Caps disintegrate up to 5x faster than other leading brands.

Complete is recognized by the following:
* Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD)
* US Food and Drug Administration
* Kosher
* Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
* Frost & Sullivan Product Quality

Complee Phyto-Energizer is specially formulated for easy digestion and absorption into the bloodstream. Even the capsule break up quickly in the digestive tract. In comparison with other supplements, Complete V-Caps completely disintegrate in 18 minutes or less (the proper time to ensure absorption by the body). Other brands take up to 5 times longer.

Major Functions in our body:
• Lowers cholesterol level
• Protects against heart disease and complications
• Helps prevent cancer of any origin
• Controls high-blood pressure
• Controls blood sugar
• Enhances, nourishes, strengthens, and balances the immune system
• Rejuvenates the skin
• Promotes healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration
• Detoxifies the body
• Enhances sexual vitality
• Prevents degenerative diseases like arthritis and rheumatism
• Reduces the toxic effect of chemotherapy and radiation
• Increases your energy and strength
• Protects your precious DNA and RNA
• Relieves headaches and dizziness
• Maintain healthy gums
• Inhibit tumor growth
• Supports your liver
• Get better sleep
• Improves your vision
• Makes you look and feel younger
• Improves digestion and fertility
• Improves your lymphocyte count
• Treat menopausal symptoms
• Prevents morning sickness
• Protects childrens health
• Alleviate anxiety and stress
• Prevent allergies
• Resist disease
• Support kidney health
• Improves your memory
• Helps chronic dry cough
• Builds strong blood
• Inhibit lipid peroxidation


Complete is manufactured by Nature’s Way, the company’s product supplier. Nature’s way has 45 years of research and development of herbal and nutritional science that made the company a recognized leader among all the nutritional and supplement companies in America. Making its mark as the pioneer of many breakthroughs in the advancement of good health and the supplement industry, Nature’s Way is known for its green leaf logo which represents health, life and nature. The company prides itself in its dedication to manufacture the finest products that consumers have attested to when they “trust the leaf” each time they buy and use Nature’s Way products.

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Alkaline Chocolate Drink MyChoco is the only chocol ate served today that preserves the true richness of chocolate with the additio...